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Michigan, USA

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Michigan, USA Empty Michigan, USA

Post by aces Thu 02 Apr 2009, 13:38

Ok so recently i have noticed shuffle to be A LOT better than jump pale jump is just bleh i tried jump hate it too complicated with the half turn which is actually a 360 and then the full turn which is a 540 all i have to say is wtf. I mean jump looks cool but you have to have sooo much coordination.

I have barely tried shuffle but i can do the running man to a point i cant do the three step running man, the two step version i can though. The sitch from heel to toe and kick your other foot at the same time i can do but other than that i really cant shuffle. Is there any good tips on shuffling i have read some of the other posts and still confused slightly. I have seen the nate shuffle tutorial and the leonard hall tutorial i understand them any other good tutorial videos i can watch?
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Michigan, USA Empty Re: Michigan, USA

Post by MrMatty89 Thu 02 Apr 2009, 13:59

I did alittle research into the shuffle b4 I attempted it, I wanted the best out of it for what i put in.

A big thing to remember b4 doing the shuffle is warm ups, do some strentchs and jumps and just get ya body all free and flexy and ready to get pumping.

Next I found to get my running man cruising pritty sweetly is a very simple and when I show my mates there like "wtf!?!?!" Its the basics of the basics of the tutorial of the running man. Stand on a spot and with your toes rise ya body and jump to the beat 1..2 1..2 1..2 1..2 keep repeating those 2. Eventually ya body will get into the rythem of 1, 2. 1, 2. right then u start moving your legs to running man. Its very easy and very effective.

Stick to the shuffle but u can also go abit crazy with it, I like to just chuck random things in all the time and I get alot of feed back from it. Push the shuffle boundaries but dont go to over board.

MSO offers the best tutorial Youtube shuffle vids believe me iv looked around bcuz I didnt want to be taught the wrong way either (plus I wanted a quick easy teacher)

Yeah thats about it for now I need a coffee lol.

But by all mean PM me whenever u feel.

Cheerz Matty.
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Michigan, USA Empty Re: Michigan, USA

Post by aces Sat 04 Apr 2009, 11:03

Thanks MrMatty, I have to try this. I have started to do better at the transitions but still need some good tips on the transition.

Any other good tips or advice would be helpful from anyone.

Thanks Aces ♥♣♦♠
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Post by Peter "Damascus" Pacania Sun 16 May 2010, 05:53


I'm from Michigan would you like to meet up with me halfway??

I look forward to you're response

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